Hi. I’m Hermana Roper, and I love toilets that flush. Yep. I
said it. What is happening to meeee?! This week Hermana Rios and I experienced
what other people’s bathrooms around here are like. We were walking and both
had to go sooo bad and were sooo far away from our room so we asked people to
use their bathroom. I have never smelled something more bad in my life lol! I
love America!
This week was
better though. Still hard, but better. That’s all that matters right? Haha it’s
still really frustrating to not understand! This week Hermana Rios was really
frustrated. Imagine her yelling and sharing her feelings and me occasionally
nodding and smiling lol. Yep. Fun.
I have lots of
stories this week! I even wrote them down so I wouldn’t forget to tell you all
:) Okay so we find this new investigator, Hermana Santos. We teach her how to
pray and told her to observe Hermana Rios. Well she ends up repeating every
line Hermana Rios says. It was so funny! Then in the lesson we ask her why she
ttttthinks babies need to be baptized (she’s catholic) and she says,
"Because breast feeding is a serious sin?" Say whaaaaat? Haha Preach
My Gospel didn't prepare us for this!
What weird things
did I eat this week, you may ask? Well chop off a fish’s head, cook it, and
slap it on a plate and that was my lunch. Along with some shrimp rice that went
on for milessss. I also had crab soup which wasn’t great either lol. I’ve
probably eaten every part of a chicken as well... I just try to eat really fast
so I have to suffer for a less amount of time ;)
This week I have
found a new hatred for dogs and chickens as well. They’re mean! We always have
rocks ready to throw at the dogs. The chickens just roam around houses. This
week we had a chicken pecking at our feet. We’ll show you little pecking
chicken, when we’re eating you for lunch tomorrow... For real though
We also had a
weird experience this week as well. We’re walking and this guy is just chucking
knives! I don’t mean to scare you either haha but we took off running!! Gotta
love Peru... It was quite the sight I’m sure. Run missionaries, run!!
I also think I’ve
seen it all... People vacuuming cement haha! Like what?? I just don’t
understand. It seems like just extra
work to me ;)
As for lessons
this week.. We always have a lot. The people here are really welcoming! We had
10 new investigators this week! We had two baptisms for August, Hermana Maryori
and Hermano Adolfo (the father of her kids haha), but Hermano Adolfo is a
stinker. We gave him money for a moto to do us a favor and he ended up taking
the money and buying beer! Hermana Maryori still has a date for August 10th
though and is so excited. I really love her!
One reeeeeally
awkward lesson this week: The crying lesson. So we go to teach two
investigators and their mom just sits down with us and starts talking. Of
course I have no idea what is being said, but before I know it she’s
hysterically crying! After, I ask Hermana Rios why she was crying and she said
her daughter (one of our investigators) beats her... Never would’ve guessed
that! Ummm... Yeah. I love Spanish.
Okay well that’s
about all the craziness I can think of haha. (have fun correcting all my
mistakes. This keyboard is a beast) But I just hope every week gets better,
cause at times it’s so discouraging! But I didn’t come here to fail. President
Rowley said, "The Lord didn’t send you to Peru to fail. He knows you can
do this." For me, it’s comforting to know I’m in the hard part. Before my
mission and even in the MTC it was always, "These next few months will be
hard" but now the hard months are here, and I know there has to be a light
at the end. These next 16 months won’t last forever. I have these 16 months to
work hard, and I’m sure when I look back I’ll just laugh at how big of a wimp I
was haha. Yes, right now it’s hard, but I’m too stubborn to give in... You
already know that ;) Every day is a new day! I love you all though. I’m amazed
at the support I get. I don’t have time to respond to everyone today and I’m so
so sorry! But keep writing because I read them all and they make my day :) Love
you alll! Have a great week! I’ll be here in Peru dodging knives ;) haha!
Kidding mom! Talk to you next week :)
Hermana Roper
the toilet lover